PTSD Face-Off Campaign - 2024

Celebrating World Mental Health Day 10th October

Sponsor one of our fundraisers

Help us Face-Off against PTSD

Roger Weeks

I am fuelled by a relentless passion, a burning purpose to rescue more dogs and extend a helping hand to my fellow veterans who bear the scars of their service. The echoes of their suffering resonate within me and igniting a fire I cannot ignore.

Last year, I was met with a chorus of voices that humorously wished to see me shorn of my hair. Well, this year, I am stepping up the game. I am laying it all on the line in the name of our cause.

With your help, we can reach a lofty goal of $30,000. If we can scale this mountain, not only will my beard meet the razor’s edge, but my hair will also surrender to the shears. But remember, we must surpass this target. So, let’s join forces, let’s rally our collective strength, and make an unforgettable impact. Together, we can change lives.

Bruce (Bruiser) Groenewegen

Mental health among First Responders and our Military personnel is a critical issue that has, for far too long, been a secondary priority to organisations. Surviving something like PTSD is a new struggle every day and, having watched peers, superiors and juniors succumb while struggling to maintain my own mental health is an issue close to my heart. Equally, important to me is recognition of the unique bond that has traditionally (and rightly) existed between members of First Response organisations and Military personnel. Those relationships call us to look after each other, at the same time demanding that our organisations do likewise. This, then, is a way of me putting my money, or more correctly your money, where my mouth (literally) is. I haven’t been clean shaven for almost 25 years so please dig deep because this is a huge leap for me – but the cause is just! Help me raise $10,000 and my beard will be gone.

Paul Thomas

The rescuing of dogs to save humans is an especially beautiful idea that works. The provision of these dogs to those who have severed the community and are now suffering from that service, gain a best mate who will assist in moving past the dark.
It is a thing of beauty to watch a damaged soul come back to life through the love of a dog.

Col n Mikey

We are 2 mates who have friends struggling day to day with the dreaded ‘black dog’ and PTSD. We know how debilitating it can be just coping with daily life, and the shocking suicide stats in our military and first responders battling PTSD.
PTSD Dogs Australia is an incredible charity doing mighty work but need the community to rally around and support their mission. So we are doing our bit by growing our scruff!! Yep we are off and running with our face fluff and fingers crossed will have 2 great looking beards by the Shave2Save event (we will be posting ongoing pics of the hair production)
By helping us out by sponsoring us – you get a 2 FOR 1 DEAL with your money! 2 beards for the price of 1! and your money goes to the vital work of rescuing and training PTSD Assistance Dogs. Col n Mikey

We are 2 mates who have friends struggling day to day with the dreaded ‘black dog’ and PTSD. We know how debilitating it can be just coping with daily life, and the shocking suicide stats in our military and first responders battling PTSD.
PTSD Dogs Australia is an incredible charity doing mighty work but need the community to rally around and support their mission. So we are doing our bit by growing our scruff!! Yep we are off and running with our face fluff and fingers crossed will have 2 great looking beards by the Shave2Save event (we will be posting ongoing pics of the hair production)
By helping us out by sponsoring us – you get a 2 FOR 1 DEAL with your money! 2 beards for the price of 1! and your money goes to the vital work of rescuing and training PTSD Assistance Dogs. Col n Mikey

Bernie Clarke

My name is Bernie and I am a RAAF veteran, serving as an Intensive Care Nursing Officer for 11 years. I discharged from the RAAF with PTSD in January 2020 and have since been working in the Mental Health and Neuroscience sector. I have seen first-hand, the value of Assistance Dogs in the management of individuals with PTSD and am throwing my support behind PTSD Dogs Australia for their annual Face-off.

Two years ago, I was completing a trauma-informed course with some colleagues along with Ange from PTSD Dogs Australia. During the course, I was triggered by some of the course content but all of the sudden, an Assistance Dog was at my side. The Assistance Dog didn’t know me but could sense that something was up. There was this immediate sense of calm that grounded me and enabled me to continue with the course. I am now preparing to receive an Assistance Dog in the near future as I know what they can do in supporting an individual with PTSD.

By signing up for the PTSD Dogs Australia Face-off Campaign for 2024, I am hoping that it will bring valuable funding to an incredible organisation. Not only will my daughters get a kick out of seeing their dad with a purple beard, but one of them will see their dad without a beard for the first time in her life if I reach my goal of $2,000.

Tara Mueller

Hi, I’m Tara. I’m a practicing psychologist at Brain & Mind Hub, and am passionate about supporting people to flourish and live their best lives.  The importance of emotional wellbeing is something we talk about every day at BaMH and is one the reasons I initially trained to be a Psychologist and why I still work in this field today. I love nothing more than seeing people integrate challenges into their lives and thrive!

A few weeks ago, I met the lovely team at PTSD Dogs Australia. I was absolutely blown away by their dedication, vulnerability, and huge caring hearts. I immediately wanted to volunteer and get behind the incredibly important work that is done with these beautiful pups. The power these pups have to help a person living with PTSD to feel is simply heart warming and beautiful. And when we think about how many people’s lives have shrunk due to the huge pain that PTSD, anxiety and other mental health challenges can cause every day, it’s so important to do what we can to help improve that situation.

Please support me in supporting this incredible organisation and those who live with PTSD. Lets go purple!

Tora Kemp

Hi I’m Tora, comms manager for Brain & Mind Hub and overly-enthusiastic border collie parent. Presented with the chance to get involved in a campaign that combines three of my passions – pups, supporting mental health, and purple hair – I couldn’t wait to get involved!

As someone who has grappled with mental health challenges for most of my life, I can only admire the bravery of veterans and first responders whose experiences add another dimension to mental health difficulties. These are people who have put themselves at risk for others, and I am honoured to be able to do what I can to help them out. And of course, help more people experience the joy of finding a furry best friend!

Jim Lagopoulos

Hello, I’m Jim. I’ve been immersed in the mental health field for over 25 years. Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed remarkable advancements in neuroscience that have deepened our understanding of how the brain regulates mental health. While many of these advances involve complex changes in neurotransmitter systems and neuroplasticity, one of the most impactful discoveries has been the detrimental effect of stress on mental health and the positive difference that reducing stress through simple lifestyle changes can make.

For those of us with pets—whether dogs or any other animals—we know the immense joy they bring. But their benefits extend beyond companionship. Research shows that pets can greatly improve our well-being by lowering stress levels, and they can be particularly transformative for people dealing with PTSD.

I’ve seen firsthand the incredible work of PTSD Dogs Australia and am proud to support Ange, Roger, and their team. For World Mental Health Day 2024, I’m partnering with PTSD Dogs Australia to help raise funds for their important mission. If you’d like to see me sporting purple hair, please consider contributing to this valuable cause.

Vida Rodriguez

I work with PTSD Vets

Great cause to raise funds

Chris Beard

Personally, I have not been impacted by PTSD. What I can’t look past though is the impact that PTSD Dogs Australia brings to both the Veterans or First Responders and the dogs they rescue from shelters is mind blowing.

I simply can not get past ‘Rescuing Dogs Who Rescue Veterans & First Responders.

Two lives changed at the same time… we all need to help this fantastic process.

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"You came into my life full of energy, your my mate, my friend now my guardian. In the short time we've know each other you've made my life enjoyable. I can eat out with my partner, navigate the shops, and live a normal life that so many others have. Tears well as I write about you because I don't think you'll ever know just how much you have impacted my life. The joy, the security the constant eye over me"

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