Sponsor Bruce (Bruiser) Groenewegen
$8,603 of $10,000 raised
Mental health among First Responders and our Military personnel is a critical issue that has, for far too long, been a secondary priority to organisations. Surviving something like PTSD is a new struggle every day and, having watched peers, superiors and juniors succumb while struggling to maintain my own mental health is an issue close to my heart. Equally, important to me is recognition of the unique bond that has traditionally (and rightly) existed between members of First Response organisations and Military personnel. Those relationships call us to look after each other, at the same time demanding that our organisations do likewise. This, then, is a way of me putting my money, or more correctly your money, where my mouth (literally) is. I haven’t been clean shaven for almost 25 years so please dig deep because this is a huge leap for me – but the cause is just! Help me raise $10,000 and my beard will be gone. |